Frameworks et librairies
Unmasking React an Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Guide

Unmasking React: An Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Guide

Hello there, digital nomad! Today, your learning voyage is set to lead you to the colorful shores of the React kingdom. If you've been fiddling with JavaScript a touch too long, my guess is you've probably heard whispers of React and you may be curious. So, what's the fuss all about? Buckle up, because we are about to unmask React and make learning it as easy as pie!

Why React?

First off, what's up with React? Why do developers seem to love it so much, singing its praises from the mountaintops? Well, it's no magical charm, but it’s definitely the next best thing. Facebook gave birth to React for easy development and better performance. React isn't a full-featured framework, it's a library — the "V" in MVC (Model View Controller), simply taking care of the user interface and leaving the 'M' and 'C' to your discretion.

Put simply, React makes building interactive user interfaces a walk in the park! It will handle your view layer and, when data changes, React efficiently updates and renders just the right components.

class Hello extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

ReactDOM.render(<Hello name="World" />, document.querySelector('#container'));

The code block above is a basic example of a React component. It displays a simple "Hello, World" message.

React’s Virtual DOM: A Feather in Its Cap

Imagine having to repaint a whole wall obviously multiple times just because you changed the design in one corner. Painful, right? That’s what happens with the traditional DOM(manipulation). Enter React’s Virtual DOM!

React creates a virtual copy of the original DOM and whenever any state changes, React first performs the update on the virtual DOM. Then it compares the updated virtual DOM with the original DOM, also known as diffing. Following that, the real DOM gets updated only with the things that have actually changed. This is reconciliation.

Don't you see? It's like solving a puzzle by replacing only the mismatched pieces rather than dismantling the entire thing! Now, that's efficient.

JSX: The Secret Sauce of React

React intertwines with JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension for JavaScript. Think about it as a JavaScript baby with superpowers of HTML. You could say it's a member of the Avengers team in the React Universe.


Usually, browsers don’t understand JSX. Yet, compilers like Babel swing into action here, transforming JSX into regular JavaScript.

Component-first Design: LEGO Blocks of UI

Building a fancy castle with LEGO blocks, that's what building UI with React feels like. React believes in a component-first design. Your UI is a whole bunch of standalone, reusable pieces (components), neatly coupled together. It's a convenient and efficient way to build without drilling a hole in your pocket of time!

Is React Hard to Learn?

React indeed introduces a whole new army of concepts. But, hey, who said learning should scare you? All you need is JavaScript basics in your artillery. With a dash of ES6, and a sprinkle of patience, you'll befriend React faster than you think.

In the kingdom of web development, learning often feels like playing a strategic video game, doesn't it? The more challenges you conquer, the mightier your armor gets. So, wander across this terrain, grasp the stray knowledge nuggets and, before you know it, you'll become a React knight in shining armor.

To your success, fellow web conqueror: react (opens in a new tab)

Happy learning!


Category: [frameworks]